Busy busy those last weeks…. soon some more water pics in East Timor and Indonesia/Bali. And in few weeks, back in the sky in Nepal for several months:)
Such a good birthday !! :)
My first Mola đ
One Breath… feel free, flee reality
English version and french version just after :
Beginning of February 2013. We have been living in Dahab, in the north east of Egypt, for a few months. We came here to work, and we haven’t had an opportunity yet to visit the rest of the country.
We have a few savings, and we feel more and more the need to leave our insular village. It’s really time to make a move. We fly to Urgada and from there go directly to Luxor by bus. It’s the beginning of our journey. As soon as we start going, two of our fellow passengers start asking us where we come from and what we intend to do: they are Nasser and IsmaĂ«l.
We introduce ourselves, they smile and Nasser explains that they are going to their cousin’s wedding in Luxor, and he suggests we go with them.
“It will start tonight, we’ll be a bit late but never mind, the ceremony lasts for a week. We can only stay for two days; we must go back to work”.
We are surprised by their spontaneous hospitality and their warmth; they don’t look like serial killers or highwaymen: we accept their invitation.
We reach Luxor after midnight. Our new companions lead us to jump from the bus onto a slightly dark road. The night is only beginning. “The wedding takes place over there; we have to cross the Nileâ. Still groggy after the long ride, we promptly find ourselves in a motor boat, for a new adventure. Our bottoms just above the Nile… The Nile! Yes, yes, that’s really it. The legendary river is at our feet…
I remind myself of all the books about Egypt that i have read. Once more i think of my Mum who had dreamt so much of seeing this river and visiting this country. Eight years have gone by. She had the plane ticket i had just given her for her 50th birthday. She was so happy. At last she was going to board a plane and go on a journey with her daughter! But she died that same evening. Or rather the following day in hospital, from a dissection of the aorta. A sudden and unforgiving death. The unfairness of it all. The anger. The impossibility to understand. We did not even say good bye. Some deaths perhaps can be accepted, but some others, never.
Back to the present. I wipe my tears. It is still so painful. But i am really here now. Without her, and yet, with her. This four weeks journey into the Pharaohâs land, Iâll do it mainly for her.
We jump on the river bank and watch the cousinsâ reunion. Mohamed who is going to be our host for the next few days has come to meet us. He already knows that two Frenchies have joined the party. “Welcome, welcome to Egypt !”
We all pack into the old Lada. All along the way, the cousins, who are still excited and eager to be with their family, show us the landscape of the Nile’s south bank. They start explaining the programme to us, we feel reassured, we are safely looked after. We are going to discover the country from the inside. And the hospitality of its people!
At the end of the two days spent at the wedding, our friends take us to the bus towards Assouan. They ask for our phone numbers. They make sure we are comfortable, and they even call us a few times during the trip, to know how we feel and if we arrived safely in Assouan!
As we leave the city, we discover the peacefulness of the south bank; we are entering a part of Egypt that we don’t know. We are now in Nubia land.
Since the end of the English settlement, Nubia, with its borderless people, is an area straddling two regions, South Egypt and North Sudan. Its culture is different from Egypt’s culture. Nubia is endowed with a rich historical past, of which the Black Pharaohâs episode is an example; however, it has been recently marked by a major ecological and sociological disaster. In 1963, the 100 000 inhabitants of low Nubia were driven away from their houses and their lands, when the high dam of Assouan was built and Nasser lake was created.
It’s uniting with Egypt does not make its people Egyptians. In Nubia, people insist on this fact. The woman’s place is important there. It is a matriarchal kind of society, in which i feel that the men’s attitude towards me is much more considerate.
The atmosphere is warm, the houses colours and decorations take us to another world.
In the distance, a man with a radiant smile waves welcomingly towards us: “Welcome, welcome, come my friends, take a tea with me please!â This is Khaled. His hut which proudly displays a Bob Marley flag overlooks the Nile, with a magnificent view on its banks.
We feel cradled by the feluccas and the comings and goings of the motorboats which are typical of the legendary river, we chat for hours. At dusk, Khaled invites us to his place. His real house: his family home, with his mother, his sisters, his nephews and nieces.
He shows us around, introduces the new family puppies, shows us his room and feeds us a delicious meal. This first visit in Nubia land warms up our hearts. We discover a new aspect of Egypt, a sweet and thoughtful one…
The following day we decide to try sailing on the Nile and to take the opportunity to visit Elephantine Island, across from Assouan. It is impossible to miss this great strip of land. A Russian hotel, cold looking, cubic and soulless, dominates the northern part of the island, and clumsily distorts its appearance. Feeling slightly put off by the unsettling taste of this architectural sight, we still decide to go visit the southern part. We heard that the village there is very pretty and picturesque. Still inspired by our previous meeting with Khaled, we meet Mustafa, another nice Nubian, amongst the many offers of feluccas and captains.
Mustafa was born on the island. It is difficult to imagine that this skinny little man, with his face scarred by the sun and the wind, is only 42. He is modestly dressed, wearing a gown the colour of the sky. His smile and his laughing and sparkling eyes light us up with benevolence and good humour. He has never left Assouan and his island. He has undoubtedly driven around thousands of tourists. He speaks fluently over 6 languages. He is proud to show us his people’s traditions, leading us towards his village’s narrow streets. At the end of the day we are once more invited to eat with his mum and him, in his childhood house. We are a bit sad to part with our happy captain.
During the last crossing, Mustafa does us the honour of singing a few traditional songs. It is our last day in Assouan. It is not so much Egypt which will have stood out in this part of the country, but Nubia and its people.
DĂ©but fĂ©vrier 2013, voilĂ quelques mois que nous vivons Ă Dahab, dans le nord est de lâEgypte. Venus ici pour travailler, nous nâavons pas encore eu lâoccasion de visiter le reste du pays.
Quelques Ă©conomies en poche, le besoin de bouger de notre village insulaire se fait de plus en plus sentir. Nous saturons et avons vraiment envie de voir autre chose de lâEgypte (âŠ)
Nous rejoignons Urgada par la voie des airs et enchainons direct avec un bus public pour Luxor. Début de notre périple.
Le moteur Ă peine dĂ©marrer, deux de nos voisins de route commencent Ă nous demander dâoĂč nous venons et ce que nous allons faire. Voici Nasser et Ismael.
Les prĂ©sentations faites, les sourires figĂ©s sur les deux visages, Nasser nous explique quâils vont au mariage de leur cousin Ă Luxor et nous propose directement de venir avec eux. « Cela commence ce soir, nous y serons un peu tard, mais « malesh », ce nâest pas grave, le mariage dure une semaine. Nous, nous nây allons que pour deux jours. Le travail oblige (âŠ) »
Surpris par cette spontanĂ©itĂ© hospitaliĂšre et cette chaleur humaine, ils nâont pas lâair de tueurs en sĂ©rie ou de dĂ©trousseurs de grand chemin, nous acceptons.
Minuit passé, nous arrivons tout juste à Luxor.
Nos nouveaux compagnons nous font sauter du bus sur le bord dâune route un peu sombre. La nuit est loin dâĂȘtre finie. « Le mariage est par lĂ -bas ! Nous devons traverser le Nil. »
Encore un peu sonnĂ©s par le voyage, lâheure tardive, la ville, notre nouvelle aventure, nous nous retrouvons en deux temps trois mouvements sur un bateau Ă moteur. Nos fesses au-dessus du Nil. Ouahou, le Nil. Oui, oui, câest bien lui. Ce fleuve lĂ©gendaire est Ă nos pieds. Je me repasse en tĂȘte tous les livres que jâai pu lire sur lâEgypte. Je repense Ă ma maman qui rĂȘvait tellement de voir ce fleuve et de visiter ce pays. Il y a huit ans maintenant. Le billet dâavion en main que je venais de lui offrir pour ces 50 ans. Elle Ă©tait si heureuse. Enfin elle allait prendre lâavion et partir en voyage avec sa fille !
Mais elle morte le soir mĂȘme. Enfin le lendemain Ă lâhĂŽpital. Une dissection aortique. Soudaine, sans appel. Lâinjustice de la vie. La colĂšre. LâincomprĂ©hension. Nous nous sommes mĂȘme pas dit au revoir. Il y a des morts qui sont acceptables, car câest la vie. Mais certaines, jamais.
De retour au prĂ©sent, jâessuie mes larmes. Cela fait encore si mal. Mais je suis bien lĂ maintenant. Sans elle mais avec elle. Ce pĂ©riple de quatre semaines autour du pays des pharaons, je le fais pour elle avant tout.
Nous sautons sur la berge et lĂ nous assistons aux retrouvailles des cousins.
Mohamed, notre hĂŽte pour ces prochains jours, est venu nous chercher. Il est dĂ©jĂ au courant que deux frenchies sont de la partie (âŠ) « Welcome, welcome in Egypt ! »
Nous nous entassons dans la vieille Lada. Tout le long de la route, les cousins encore tout excitĂ©s, impatients de retrouver la famille, nous font visiter leur rive sud du Nil. Nous expliquent un peu le programme (âŠ). Nous rassurent, nous sommes bien pris en main. Nous allons voir ce quâest lâEgypte de lâintĂ©rieur.
Nous allons voir ce quâest lâhospitalitĂ© des Egyptiens ! (âŠ)
(âŠ) Nos deux jours de mariage terminĂ©s, nos amis nous amĂšnent au bus pour Assouan.
Ils nous demandent nos numĂ©ros de tĂ©lĂ©phone. Sâassurent que nous sommes biens et nous appellent mĂȘme plusieurs fois pendant le voyage pour sâinquiĂ©ter de notre bien-ĂȘtre et de notre bonne arrivĂ©e Ă Assouan ! (âŠ)
(âŠ) A la sortie de la ville d’Assouan, nous dĂ©couvrons la tranquillitĂ© de la rive sud et entrons dans une Egypte que nous ne connaissons pas. Nous sommes chez les Nubiens.
Peuple sans frontiĂšre, la rĂ©gion de la Nubie est Ă cheval entre l’Egypte du sud et le nord du Soudan depuis la fin de la colonisation anglaise. Sa culture est diffĂ©rente de celle des Egyptiens (âŠ)
DotĂ©e dâune histoire riche dont lâĂ©pisode des Pharaons Noirs, elle est cependant marquĂ©e rĂ©cemment par une catastrophe Ă©cologique et sociologique majeure. En 1963, les quelque 100 000 habitants de Basse Nubie sont chassĂ©s de leurs maisons et de leurs terres par la construction du haut barrage d’Assouan et la formation du Lac Nasser.
Leur rattachement Ă lâEgypte ne les rend pas pour autant Egyptiens. Les Nubiens dâEgypte ne sont pas Egyptiens. Et ils insistent bien lĂ -dessus.
La femme y tient une place importante. Matriarcale, l’abord des hommes Ă mon Ă©gard est bien plus respectueux (âŠ)
Ambiance chaleureuse, les couleurs et les décorations des maisons nous font basculer dans un autre monde.
Au loin, un homme au sourire Ă©clatant nous fait des grands signes de bienvenue. “Welcome, welcome, come my friends, take a tea with me please !”.
Voici Khaled. Sa cabane oĂč trĂŽne fiĂšrement un drapeau de Bob Marley surplombe le Nil et offre une vue magnifique sur les berges.
Nous discutons des heures durant bercĂ©s par la grĂące nonchalante des Felouques et des va et vient des bateaux Ă moteur typiques de ce fleuve lĂ©gendaire (âŠ)
A la tombĂ©e de la nuit, Khaled nous invite chez lui. Sa vraie maison. La maison de la famille. Avec sa mĂšre, ses sĆurs, ses neveux et niĂšces.
Il nous promĂšne de piĂšces en piĂšces, nous prĂ©sente les nouveaux chiots de la famille, nous montre sa chambre, et nous offre un repas succulent, riche et variĂ© (âŠ)
Cette premiĂšre visite en pays Nubien nous rĂ©chauffe le cĆur.
Un nouveau visage de lâEgypte. Un autre visage doux et prĂ©venant (âŠ)
Le lendemain, nous dĂ©cidons de goĂ»ter Ă la navigation sur le Nil et de profiter du voyage pour visiter lâĂźle ElĂ©phantine, en face dâAssouan.
Impossible de rater cette grande langue de Terre. Un hĂŽtel russe, froid, cubique et sans Ăąme, prĂ©domine sur la partie nord de lâĂźle, dĂ©formant maladroitement sa physionomie (âŠ)
Un peu refroidis par cette vision architecturale au goĂ»t incertain, nous dĂ©cidons quand mĂȘme de visiter la partie sud. Le village Nubien y est soi-disant joli et trĂšs typique.
Encore inspirés par notre rencontre avec Khaled la veille, nous rencontrons à nouveau parmi les dizaines de propositions de felouques et de capitaines, un gentil Nubien, Mustafa.
Mustafa est nĂ© sur lâĂźle. Difficile dâimaginer ce petit bonhomme tout maigre, au visage burinĂ© par le soleil et le vent, nâavoir que 42 printemps. Modestement vĂȘtu, sa grande robe est de la mĂȘme couleur que le ciel. Son sourire et ses yeux rieurs et pĂ©tillants nous illuminent par sa bienveillance et sa bonne humeur. Il nâa jamais quittĂ© Assouan et son Ăźle. Il a sans doute baladĂ© ainsi des milliers de touristes. Mustafa parle trĂšs bien plus de six langues (âŠ)
Il nous entraine dans les ruelles de son village, fier de nous montrer les traditions de son peuple.
La journĂ©e se termine et une nouvelle fois nous sommes invitĂ©s Ă manger avec lui et sa maman, dans la maison de son enfance (âŠ)
Un peu triste de quitter notre heureux capitaine, Mustafa nous fait lâhonneur, sur la derniĂšre traversĂ©e, de chanter quelques chansons traditionnelles.
Câest notre derniĂšre journĂ©e sur Assouan. Ce nâest pas trop lâEgypte qui nous aura marquĂ© dans cette partie du pays, mais bien la Nubie et son peuple. (âŠ)
The galeries work again… alleluia !!
Finally the galleries of portfolio, wind, water, earth and composition work again !!! Thank you Fabrice H. for your help !!:)
And in a few days, the photos of Egypt…. a lot ! Life, people, nature, desert, temples… !
See you soon:)
here we are!
Here we are !!!:) finally a freediving/apnea school in Nusa Lembongan in Indonesia. During this new season, you will find there freediving courses, surf courses, spearfishing courses and underwater photographies.. Don’t hesitate to come and visit. Soon more informations and pictures.
And today in Manta Point in Nusa Penida… dance with height graceful and so peaceful Manta Ray! Thank you so much Mesdames!
Enjoy !
Yes we are!
One more…
Last day in Egypt,
One more new page turns.
Yesterday I left Dahab after seven intensive life months.
For this last day, I met in Sharm el Sheik one of my oldest dream and spent all the day with him, el maestro, Umberto Pelizzari!!!!
Today, I’m in Cairo and i’m looking forward to being in the plane to the sweet and green Indonesia. Find again my glider. Fly. Or meet the great Mola Mola, the sun fish.
Life is full of surprises. Up and down. As usual.
Yesterday I was on a little cloud with Pelo, this morning someone stole 550âŹ, saved work money of recent months, when i was sleeping, under my head, in the night bus for Cairo. A real deb. Maybe my head was too full of great pictures. Grazie Mille!
Aah Egyptian people are great. They never stop to surprise us. Great conjurors!
Anyway, go ahead, without rancor, Yalla ! I keep so many good memories that I can’t keep a bitter taste !
Thank you Egypt ! Thank you to all good and nice people met in Dahab. Wish you the best and send big love.
And soon, more pictures on Egypt.
See you my friends and dive quickly into your dreams, more than ever, life is too short.
Soon :)
Mainly focused on people and earth, from Egypt for this first issue, there will be articles and portfolio and as well a “water” article and photos, a portrait of a famous and delicious freediving woman, Alena Zabloudilova !! (this article will be published in a french magazine “Apnea Magazine” in June).
Be brave my friends, just wait a few months
Mes amis francophone, je ne traduis pas souvent mon site en français, pardonnez moi mais il reste simple et je suis persuadĂ©e que vous comprenez. Ou bien, Google traduction est un bon alliĂ©. Pour les bilingues, c’est easy, voire mĂȘme, trouvez-vous sans doute de nombreuses erreurs ??!
Ceci dit, voici la couverture de mon premier magazine, semestriel, qui sortira, en ligne, en juin prochain.
Un “Ă©lĂ©ment” principal sur ce premier numĂ©ro, les Hommes et leur Terre, l’Egypte, oĂč je vis depuis cinq mois. Pays en pleine crise. Il y a de nombreuses choses Ă raconter et Ă voir.
Il y aura des articles et des portfolio. Mais aussi un article “eau”, le portrait d’une jeune femme apnĂ©iste, aussi douĂ©e que dĂ©licieuse, Alena Zabloudilova. Article qui sortira d’abord dans un magazine français, Apnea Magazine, en juin.
En attendant, il faut ĂȘtre courageux mes amis, que quelques mois d’attente ! đ
Plein d’amour et de rĂȘves rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă tous
Mustafa, our great Nubian singer and Feluke captain, on the Nile in Assouan
Water, earth….
Still in Egypt… Busy, busy…
Soon more new pictures….. water….. and earth !
Wind will be back in few months… paragliding in Indonesia soon !! đ